Food quality and safety

are two values ​​in which MA-VI Trade firmly believes.

That’s why MA-VI Trade is very careful in product selection. Products are accurately choosen to ensure the highest standards required, even in terms of traceability.

MA-VI Trade puts the customer first as well as his needs and it has recently obtained two international standards:
  • IFS Broker, a standard created with the aim of providing a homogeneous system for evaluating the activities of brokers, importers and trade agencies in the supply of products destined for the MMR


  • BRC Agent and Broker, developed by the British Retail Consortium, indicates the indispensable requirements to ensure food safety by applying HACCP principles.
The recognized international certifications protect customers throughout Europe and above all ensure a safe and qualified service as well as the constant improvement in hygiene and product safety.

Ma-Vi Trade Certifications:

  • The Legality Rating is an innovative tool developed by the Competition and Market Authority (AGCM) in agreement with the Ministries of the Interior and of Justice, which recognizes awards to companies that operate according to the principles of legality, transparency and responsibility social.


The list of companies in possession of a Rating is published and constantly updated (approximately every week) by the AGCM on the dedicated website. For this reason, the Rating guarantees not only the transparency of the company on the market, but also that within the company itself, both during the performance of the activities and towards its collaborators.

Agrifood sector: the quality-safety combination

Food quality is understood not only in terms of hygiene-sanitary quality in the field of preparation, production and packaging, but also in terms of health protection.

In fact, thinking about the healthy food, the organoleptic qualities are those that will conquer the palate of the consumer and protect his health. Not only tastes and flavors, but also the value of nutritional properties for a balanced diet.

What is security?

It is the system of controls implemented by the legislator for the phases of production, transformation and distribution of foods.

Quality and safety are recognizable, for example, in the best brands, such as Grana Padano Piacentino, exported all over the world through the Network of Rete Imprese Filiera Eccellenza, of which MA-VI Trade is part. The Made in Italy product is guaranteed for its quality and safety, both through the PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) and the seal of guaranteed quality and 100% provenance from Piacenza farms.